Thursday, March 8, 2012

CPU Usage on AS 2005 Server

I have 5 cubes with 15 dimensions and one cube (like Virtual cube before) with 5 linked cubes.

My client is Excel 2003 Pivot table.

From Excel/Pivot table if I run a query which is taking long time. I press "Esc" key to cancel my query. However if I look into my Server "CPU Usage" even after canceling my query is very high. Looks it doesn't cancel my query on server. I am the only user using this server.

If I restart my Analysis Services 2005 the CPU Usage drops in 90 degrees to almost 0%.

Where is the problem any idea?

Thank you - Ashok

Looks like you have a classic case of "runaway query". It is always hard to get to the bottom of who sent the query and why the query is running that long.

Oten the one of the better recommendations for improving query performance and therefore improving responcivness of your cube is to desing aggregations. Aggregations are the key to Analysis Services performance.
Try and run Aggregation Design wizard and create aggregations for your cube. On top of that you can capture queries sent in the query log and then use Aggregation Manager sample application to desing aggregations supporting exact set of queries.

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In other words how to cancel/kill these "runaway query" without restarting server?

I do have aggregation setup. In SQL Server database we can kill any running query... can we do same in Analysis Services?

|||I had the same problem, if you run a query and you close the tool executing it then the query will still keep on running and slowing down the system. I don't think you can kill it. Maybe you can try to set the timeout much lower so that it will kill any query running longer than 30 seconds. I'm not sure if this will work but it should sure prevent the query of running longer than 30 seconds protecting the server from a resource eating *** query from hell.


you can use the MSAS Activity Viewer tool and you can kill sessions.


What is MSAS Activity Viewer tool ?

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