Sunday, March 11, 2012

CR 8.5 - (almost) blank first page


Having a problem with crystal reports 8.5 (from within VB6). searched and searched, to no avail, so now I post... :)

i have a report with the following layout:
-Report header
-Page header
-Group header 1
-group footer 1
-page footer
-report footer

Problem is, if group 1 will not fit on the first page of the report, then the first page will print with only the report header and report footer on it - nothing else.

I've tried unchecking all the "Keep together" options on the sections but it doesn't change a thing. any advice people? i found an article talking about this problem and how V10 fixes it, but surely there is a workaround (or at least something). Frankly, I don't care if it puts half a section on a page if it will fit complete on the next - i just don't want this silly blank first page printing.Have you remembered checking off the Keep Group together option in both the Change Group Options and Format Section Menues? Doing this for all groups has worked for me this far.

- Jukka|||Great stuff - it works. Thanks heaps for actually finding this post and replying to it. I'd given up!

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