Sunday, March 11, 2012

CR Chart add 2 or more series ...

I am trying to graph fuel miles per gallon by vehicle by date.

My data looks like this:
Vehicle MilesPerGallon Date
1 25.6 9-1-04
1 27 9-7-04
2 22 9-2-04
2 25 9-8-04

I would like a line by vehicle, so like vehicle 1 would be a blue line and the y axis would have Miles Per Gallon, the x axis would have date and it would have a dot at 9-1-04 and 25.6, 9-7-04 and 27. Then vehicle 2 would be a red line with dots at 9-2-04 and 22, 9-8-04 and 25.

I am using CR with .NET (basically CR v10 ... I think) and don't understand how to accomplish this. Do you have any advice?

Thanks ... ChadDid you ever find the solution to your problem?? I am having the same problem and would appreciate any help you could give me.

Thanks|||Nope, I gave up and only showed Miles Per Gallon for one vehicle at at time.

Sorry ...

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