Sunday, March 11, 2012

CR Format


Is there a way to format the data when it is passed into the Crystal Report(CR).. for example.. In the original table, a number may be left aligned, how to change it to right alignment?.. in other words I want to change it's

1. Format: Horizontal Alignment
2. from Left To Right
3. if the data passed in is an Integer, Currency, or DateTime.

4. There is a Format Formula Editor beside it. Does anyone know what's the syntax to do the alignment either in crystal syntax or in basic syntax.

thanx1. You can add a Parameter field in Crystal Report.

2. Pass the value to this Parameter field.
// Solution

Report.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue (strkey1)

Remark : (a) ParameterFields(1) is the FIRST PARAMETER ADDED IN CR.
(b) strkey1 is the value or variable that contains the string or
any value that is received to be passed on to CR.
(c) Place this parameter field wherever you require in CR you

3. You can format this Parameter field in Crystal Report as you WISH.

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