Sunday, March 11, 2012


Sorry, already posted this but forgot to use new MSDN nospam alias so
here it goes again...
Has anyone actually found a Crystal 8.5, 9, or 10 conversion tool to
take those reports to MS SQL RS? Seems like this would have been a
great tool for MS to do, but perhaps they're worried about the gov't
slamming them again for stealing biz from Crystal.Hi Brian,
Welcome to use MSDN Managed Newsgroup!
From your descriptions, I understood you would like to know whether there
is any tools available to convert RDL from RPT files. If I have
misunderstood your concern, please feel free to point it out.
Based on my knowledge, I am afraid there is no native support in Reporting
Services 2000 to do this. However, check our consulting partners site and
contact them directly for a service/product combination to help you with
Sincerely yours,
Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Partner Support
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||I heard that HP have created some tools to help convert rpt to rdl files but
they will not sell or release them as there are some concerns with how their
code accesses the rpt files. In short its a real problem but also an
opportunity. While it would be great to convert a crystal report to an rdl
report it would be better to rebuild the report to take full advantage of
srs features
John O'Donnell
Microsoft CRM MVP
"Michael Cheng [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> Hi Brian,
> Welcome to use MSDN Managed Newsgroup!
> From your descriptions, I understood you would like to know whether there
> is any tools available to convert RDL from RPT files. If I have
> misunderstood your concern, please feel free to point it out.
> Based on my knowledge, I am afraid there is no native support in Reporting
> Services 2000 to do this. However, check our consulting partners site and
> contact them directly for a service/product combination to help you with
> this:
> Sincerely yours,
> Michael Cheng
> Microsoft Online Partner Support
> When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
> that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
> =====================================================> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
The only place I have heard of is
I know nothing about this company and I don't know if they are any
good. I have also heard newsgroup whispers about another (unknown)
company developing, selling and withdrawing an automated tool. I
believe that there were som intellectual property concerns about how
they accessed / reverse engineered crystal reports.
In short, the conversion process will probably be expensive for you and
it may be best to simply start again from scratch...
Anyone who manages to create a piece of software to do the conversion
and can get past any legal problems will be on to a winner!!!
Kulgan.|||"Kulgan" <> wrote:
>The only place I have heard of is
>I know nothing about this company and I don't know if they are any
>good. I have also heard newsgroup whispers about another (unknown)
>company developing, selling and withdrawing an automated tool. I
>believe that there were som intellectual property concerns about how
>they accessed / reverse engineered crystal reports.
>In short, the conversion process will probably be expensive for you and
>it may be best to simply start again from scratch...
>Anyone who manages to create a piece of software to do the conversion
>and can get past any legal problems will be on to a winner!!!
Thanks. I think we'll give them a try with their consultant program.
Not too bad for the price.
Brian S. Bergin
Please post replies here so everyone may benefit.
msdndotnntpdotnospamdot1atcomceptdotnet (replace dot with .)

1 comment:

rpt2ssrs said...

Why no trying Crystal Migration Services. The site is as follows.

This is the best solution to convert Crystal Reports to SSRS. You may reduce your cost more than half with this solution.

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