Sunday, March 11, 2012

CR / VB Sort Problem

OS= Windows XP SP2 Professional, Crystal Report XI Developers Edition, Visual Basic 6 Enterprise

Below is the code I am trying to use to print a report. This code except for this "ElseIf" statement is used and works fine to print other reports. The only difference between printing this report and the other reports is 1) the name of the report and 2) this is the only report I have a sortfield.
ElseIf ReportName = "Alternate.rpt" Then
Set craxreport = craxapp.OpenReport(ReportPath & "\" & ReportName)
Set dbTable = craxreport.Database.Tables(1)
craxreport.RecordSortFields(0) = "+{AlternatePart.dbEnterDate}"
End If
' ****************************************************************************************
Call CrystalActiveXReportViewer1_RefreshButtonClicked(True)
CrystalActiveXReportViewer1.ReportSource = craxreport
Set craxreport = Nothing
When I run this code, if I keep "craxreport.RecordSortFields(0) " I get a "Subscript out of Range" error.

The report is defined as follows:
- It uses a table called "AlternatePart"
- There are 3 fields in the table - (dbOldPn, dbNewPn, and dbEnterDate)
- All fields are described at TEXT
- The report shows all 3 fields.
- I used the Record Sort Expert to set up one sort field and that is "AlternatePart.dbEnterDate"

Can you tell me what is possibly causing the above error?

ThanksI have a little experience with crax.
I think maybe Indexes are not zero based. try index 1|||Yes try using craxreport.RecordSortFields(1) and see if it is working|||Yes try using craxreport.RecordSortFields(1) and see if it is working
That was the problem -- thank you.


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