Friday, February 17, 2012

Counting parent records and displaying Total?

We have an helpdesk sytem on SQL 2000. I am trying to show how much calls have been assigned to each parent category plus it's child categories in a single row. The thing is when I run my query it display parent and child categories and each on it's own rows. I do get the call totals for each row, but I would like to add the totals of the rows together and display it on row. The new table must have then 6 rows (because there is 6 parent categories) with the total of all calls for that parent category, as well as it's childs. Example:

parameter # Calls
---- ---
desktop\pp 5
desktop\qq 6 {This is what I am getting at this stage}
desktop\tt 4
network\rr 9
network\gg 10
software\vv 3

This is what I would like to have:

parameter # Calls
---- ---
desktop 15
network 19
software 3

Please Help!select p.*, c.*, (p.amt+c.amt) as "Total Amt"
from parent p
(select id, sum(amt) as amt
from child c
group by id) c ON =;|||Sorry, but I Forgot to mention that the second column is a count of the occurances in the 1st column. The query has to be run on only one field.

I am attaching my query:

SELECT workitem_category_tree_value,
count(*) as '# Work Items'

FROM dbo.workitem_detail_view hd1
WHERE hd1.[workitem_is_last] = 1
AND UPPER(hd1.[workitem_category_tree_value]) LIKE UPPER('%')

GROUP BY hd1.[workitem_category_tree_value]

Then this result is diplayed:

Desktop 8
Desktop\Administration 12
Desktop\Administration\Reset Password 42
Desktop\Administration\Unlock Account 30
Desktop\Notebook\LAN 1
Desktop\Notebook\LAN\Join to Domain 2
Desktop\Notebook\LAN\Network Connection 1
Desktop\Notebook\RAS 1
Desktop\Notebook\RAS\Configure 5

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