Sunday, February 19, 2012

counting the years in multiple rows question

am making a CV program and i need a way to count the experience the user has:
i have his begin date and end Date as datetime in an sql server.
i can do it programicly but i prefer to do it at the sql side
the question:
how can i get how much exp he has aka :

Code Snippet

SUM(DATEDIFF(year , JobApExp.BeginDate , JobApExp.EndDate ))

but for all the datarow
(he has more than one BeginDate and EndDate (for each job he has one))

P.S i want to be able to use it in a where clause :

Code Snippet

select * from jobap
where -- or HAVING
JobAp.ind = JobApExp.JobAp AND
SUM(DATEDIFF(year , JobApExp.BeginDate , JobApExp.EndDate )) > CONVERT(int,@.Exp)

thanks in advance

You have to use the grouping together with the having clause:

declare @.Exp as int

select max(A) as A, max(B) as B from jobap

where JobAp.ind = JobApExp.JobAp

HAVING SUM(DATEDIFF(year , JobApExp.BeginDate , JobApExp.EndDate )) > @.Exp


create table #Personnel(id int,name varchar(20))
insert #Personnel select 1,'madhu'
insert #Personnel select 2 ,'zyx'

create table #PersonnelExp (ID int,fmdt datetime,todt datetime)
delete #PersonnelExp
insert #PersonnelExp select 1,'1990-1-1','1999-1-1'
insert #PersonnelExp select 1,'1999-1-2','2002-1-2'
insert #PersonnelExp select 1,'2003-1-2','2007-1-2'
insert #PersonnelExp select 2,'1995-1-1','1999-1-1'
insert #PersonnelExp select 2,'1999-1-2','2004-1-2'
insert #PersonnelExp select 2,'2005-1-2','2007-1-2'

select a.ID,a.Name,b.TotExp From #Personnel a,
(select id,SUM(DATEDIFF(year , fmdt, todt )) As TotExp from #PersonnelExp group by id) b
where a.ID=b.ID
and totexp>12

Check this script



You may want to consider performing the DATEDIFF on the day or month level, as the year shows the year difference between the two dates.


select datediff(yy, '01/01/2006', '12/31/2006')

select datediff(yy, '12/31/2006', '01/01/2007')

The first returns 0, even though it's a full year. And the second returns 1 even though it's only been 1 day.

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