Sunday, March 11, 2012

CR problem: error when open a project in VB


When I open a VB-Access project (using CR in it) in VB, I got a error message "can't load crystl32.ocx". So the project cannot run.

This project was written by my friend, and her computer has already installed CR, but my comp doesn't. Although I've copy a crystl32.ocx to that folder, I still got that error.

So can I load this project without installing CR?Is crystl32.ocx registered properly? It may also need dependency files that are on your friend's system but not yours. Maybe your friend can create a setup file that includes all the files that are needed. You can run the setup file, then you should have no problem running the project in VB.

Or, if you don't need to use Crystal for what you need the project for, you can have your friend give you a copy of the project without the ocx component checked. Doing it this way would allow you to have access to the code, but you may not be able to run the program and you probably won't be able to compile it.

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