Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cr querys/perimiters?

Can I get CRXI to use critiera entered into a form?
I mean for a paramiter query, it takes the input from a control and produces the report from that?
I have never used crystal reports and am finding the docs hard to understand!
CheersYes, we're doing it. Of course that's a generic answer but then you asked a generic question.

What version of VB? What type of app? I assume that, like us, you're creating the report in CRXI & trying to run it from the app. If you're actually creating it in the app then you're probably using the built-in version of CR & not CRXI.

We're having problems with a number of our reports but overall we've been successful in running them with parameters supplied by a VB app. We use the ReportDocument object model since we don't want to view the report in the app (for that we'd use the CrystalViewer object model) nor do we have an RAS (for that we'd use the ReportClientDocument object model).

Basically there's not a lot I can do to help you, except to assure you that yes, it is possible to get CRXI to use criteria entered into a form.

Good luck.|||Cheers, yea I have been using the CRXI report creation software to make the report! I assume I need to bind a field to a control in the vb app?

I am using VB6 and the CRAXRV11 ocx plugin to view the report on a VB form!

The other option i was thinking was creating a new table with vb and run the report from that tables information.

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