Monday, March 19, 2012

CR10 web viewer width 100%

I'm trying to set my CrystalReportViewer to 100% of page width in ASP.NET. When I set the Width property on the control in the ASPX page itself, the viewer renders itself correctly when the page first loads, but on each postback the "%" is changed to "px" causing the viewer to be only 100 pixels wide.

I can apparently get around that by setting the width to Unit.Percentage(100) on every Page_Load event. Then the viewer appears as I expect with 100% width everytime I navigate pages, search, or export.

My problem is this workaround doesn't seem to work for the group tree. When I toggle the group tree, the two divs that get rendered are of width 14px and 86px (which add up to 100px).

Any ideas how I can get around this bug?

JamesI have a lousy solution but it seems to work (this is C# code but same should apply to VB):
public class MyCrystalReportViewer : CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
string renderedControl = string.Empty;

// Render the control to a string builder
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);

// Extract the string for processing
renderedControl = sb.ToString();

// Replace certain strings in the group tree div style tag
// Be sure to check for all indices along the way and just do nothing if things aren't found.
int groupTreeIndex = renderedControl.IndexOf("<div class=\"crgrptr\"");
if ( groupTreeIndex != -1 )
int groupTreeStyle = renderedControl.IndexOf("style=\"",groupTreeIndex);
if ( groupTreeStyle != -1 )
int groupTreeStyleEnd = renderedControl.IndexOf("\"",groupTreeStyle+7);
if ( groupTreeStyleEnd != -1 )
string groupTreeStyleTag = renderedControl.Substring(groupTreeStyle+7,groupTreeStyleEnd-groupTreeStyle-7);
renderedControl = renderedControl.Substring(0,groupTreeStyle+7)
+ "display:inline;" + groupTreeStyleTag.Replace("width:14px","width:14%").Replace("position:absolute","position:static")
+ renderedControl.Substring(groupTreeStyleEnd);

// Replace certain strings in the page div style tag
// Be sure to check for all indices along the way and just do nothing if things aren't found.
int pageIndex = renderedControl.IndexOf("<div class=\"crystalstyle\"");
if ( pageIndex != -1 )
int pageStyle = renderedControl.IndexOf("style=\"",pageIndex);
if ( pageStyle != -1 )
int pageStyleEnd = renderedControl.IndexOf("\"",pageStyle+7);
if ( pageStyleEnd != -1 )
string pageStyleTag = renderedControl.Substring(pageStyle+7,pageStyleEnd-pageStyle-7);
renderedControl = renderedControl.Substring(0,pageStyle+7)
+ "display:inline;" + pageStyleTag.Replace("width:86px","width:86%").Replace("position:absolute","position:static")
+ renderedControl.Substring(pageStyleEnd);

// Now output the reformatted HTML of the control

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