Monday, March 19, 2012

CR11 - How do I choose a NULL value (or ALL RECORDS) in a dynamic parameter?

We are using CR11 and our own OLE DB provider that, in turn, uses our SQL Server database.

We are creating dynamic parameters that allow the user to pick from all the distinct values that a field can have. All but NULL, and we need to allow the user to pick NULL if there's any in the data.

In reality, we just need to find a way to let the user pick ALL values. However, if we create a dynamic parameter that doesn't accept multiple values, the user is forced to pick one of the available values or, if he doesn't, then CR will say the value is not valid when you hit OK to the parameter selections. If instead we create a parameter that accepts multiple values instead, the user has the option to pick all the available values, which at first seems to solve the problem, but these wouldn't include NULLs and those records would be filtered out in the results.

Thank you in advance.Anybody?|||You can try using two separate parameters in your Crystal Report ( One can be a choice between all or specific and the second could be your list of specifics. Then base your selection criteria on the combination of these two parameters.

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