Sunday, March 25, 2012

Create a SP that will launch a DTS package

Hi all. How can I create a Stored Procedure that will launch a DTS package that I have already built dynamically ?

I have a string already built and I need to put it in a SP because my application is php (linux) and the database is SQL Server on a Windows machine.

I will use php to execute the stored proc, which is the only way to access it.

My string looks like this :
C:\Progra~1\Micros~3\80\Tools\Binn\ISQL.EXE -S [MyServer] -U [Username] -P [Password] -Q "ISQL_Batch 'D:\DDFIImporte\IMPICAFI.bat [user] [Schema] [Pwd] '" -n -d [database]

(Words in [] are only to show that I will put other values)


CFGillesxp_cmdshell but it will have to execute with sysadmin permissions.|||Hi,

Can you be more specific ?? I'm a near-newby in SP building... Maybe some pseudo-code, some links or examples ?



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