Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Create a table from a select statement

Good afternoon.
Who knows how I can easily create a table where the column names come from another table and are created dynamically?

That is to say. I need to create a new table where the columns, an unknown quantity, are created and given their names from an existing table.

Theory would say:

Create table Bin
as select xyz from ABC
group by xyz

Unfortunately, MS Query Analyzer complains about the AS !!
SQL 2000 server.

Look forward to hearing about the correct way of doing this :-)Yep, SQL Server doesn't like the Oracle format for doing this.


Select XYZ
Into Bin
From ABC
Group by xyz

This will create the correct column data types & lengths but will not create any of their corresponding dependencies. If this is to be part of a process you will also need some sort of logic to determine if that table already exists.

Hope this helps.|||Thanks, good but this only works into a #temp, otherwise get "run sp_dboption" error.
This enters the data as rows. I need columns so that I can add the "real" data afterwards.
Any more ideas ?
Thanks very much|||Select into used to be discouraged because it was a nonlogged transaction that would invalidate your backup sequence. It may still be, though I couldn't find anything specific on this in Books Online.

Run this statement:


If the result is 0, your database is not set to allow non-logged transactions. You may need to change the setting to use SELECT INSERT.


Is there a specific reason the SELECT INTO option is not permitted in the DB you are working on? You may want to look into it. As for creating just the columns, add the clause WHERE 1 = -1.|||Interesting, very interesting.
I shall have to look into this and find out why that DB has been set up in such a manner on Monday.
I will use a work round, export to .csv gives me a nice long, 1500 comma sperated names, and then just do a normal create and let it all work for a while :-)
What a nightmare, I hate work arounds, but it is a once off DB create.
Thanks for your help, I shall stay tuned and hope that I can be of help to you in the near future.
Take care and enjoy
HandyMac|||Option No 2
Open Fox 7, work with data, create the required table, import into SQL server.
Life is great :-)
Take care and have a great weekend,

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